• Bible Films Blog

    Looking at film interpretations of the stories in the Bible - past, present and future, as well as preparation for a future work on Straub/Huillet's Moses und Aron and a few bits and pieces on biblical studies.


    Matt Page


    Friday, May 04, 2007

    Dates for Atti Degli Apostoli and Il Messia

    I got a copy of the BFI's film guide through in the post yesterday morning, and I'm pleased to announce (even before their website has) that both Atti Degli Apostoli and Il Messia will be showing in June as part of the BFI's Roberto Rossellini retrospective. As I mentioned back in October last year this is touring season to mark the director's 100th birthday. Both films will be showing twice (along with many of the great director's films), and the dates are as follows:

    Atti Degli Apostoli
    290 mins (+ intervals)
    Sun, 17th June 2007, 16:00, NFT2 - Southbank
    Sun, 23rd June 2007, 16:20, The Studio - Southbank

    Il Messia
    145 mins
    Wed, 20th June 2007, 17:40, NFT3 - Southbank
    Wed, 27th June 2007, 20:10, NFT2 - Southbank

    I'm planning to be at the Sunday 17th showing of Atti Degli Apostoli, so if you're there as well, please do come and say "hello". This may be the only chance I ever get to see this film. Ideally, I'd like to see Il Messia on the big screen as well, but a combination of family responsibilities, travel difficulties, lack of funds and owning it on video are all working against me.

    The National Film Theatre (Southbank) Box Office number is 020 7928 3232

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    • At 10:43 am, May 05, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said…

      Thanks for posting the times. I also have a copy of Il Messia. I have been checking the internet and it seems there may be a video of Atti Degli Apostoli availlable in Italy. There are no subtitles.
      Did you write a review of Rossellini's Europe'51? I recall seeing a reference to it on your website. I have seen it, and I think it is quite a spiritual film.
      India is another Rossellini I would like to see, but I also live some considerable distance from London.


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