T&T Clark Handbook of Jesus & Film

T&T Clark Handbook of Jesus and Film
Edited by Richard Walsh
Bloomsbury T&T Clark (2021)
352 pages - Hardback
ISBN 978-0567686916
Publication Date: 13/2/2021
Apologies if things have been quiet round here of late, but I've been working on an exciting project that I'm not yet had to go ahead to talk about in public yet.
In the meantime, details have gone up on the Bloomsbury website about the next book to feature a chapter I've written. The "T&T Clark Handbook of Jesus and Film" contains 27 essays by various film scholars discussing Jesus films from all kinds of angles but particularly the Jesus Film Tradition (part 1) and Other Jesuses, Christs, Messiahs, Sons of Men etc. in part 2.
My chapter is called "Jesus of Cinecittà" and looks at specifically Italian Jesus films across the last 20 years and the distinctive perspectives the country has brought in contrast to Hollywood's Jesuses. I'm particularly excited by some of the contributors to this collection who I have not been published alongside before, including my friend Steven D. Greydanus, though it's also good to once again join some of the most significant scholars in the field.
The book is already available to order online on the Bloomsbury website where there is also a little more info. However, here is a list of the contents. I have posted a list of the contributions below.
T&T Clark Handbook of Jesus and Film
My chapter is called "Jesus of Cinecittà" and looks at specifically Italian Jesus films across the last 20 years and the distinctive perspectives the country has brought in contrast to Hollywood's Jesuses. I'm particularly excited by some of the contributors to this collection who I have not been published alongside before, including my friend Steven D. Greydanus, though it's also good to once again join some of the most significant scholars in the field.
The book is already available to order online on the Bloomsbury website where there is also a little more info. However, here is a list of the contents. I have posted a list of the contributions below.
T&T Clark Handbook of Jesus and Film
Introduction: The Jesus Film Tradition - Richard Walsh, Methodist University, USA
Part One: The Jesus Film Tradition
1. Obscure Gospel Elements in Jesus Films - Peter T. Chattaway
2. “Who Do you Say That I Am?” Responses to Cinema Sequences of the Woman Taken in Adultery - Peter Malone
3. One Hundred Years of Cinematic Attempts at Raising a Stiff (Jn 11:1-46) - Jeffrey L. Staley
4. Seeing Differently with Mary Magdalene - Michelle Fletcher
5. Inculturation and Actualization: Rabah Ameur-Zaïmeche's Histoire de Judas - Reinhold Zwick,
6. Through Other Eyes: Point of View and Defamiliarization in Jesus Films - Steven D. Greydanus,
7. The First Seventy Years of Jesus Films: A Canonical, Source-Critical History - Jeffrey L. Staley
8. Reading the Gospel(s) in the Dark: The Gospel Effect - Richard Walsh
9. The “False Syllogism” of Archaeological Authenticity in Jesus Movies - Kevin M. McGeough,
10. Jesus of Cinecittà - Matthew Page
11. Three Revolutionary Gospel Films: By the People, with the People, and for the People - Lloyd Baugh
12. Jesus in a Modern Contemporary Context - Freek L. Bakker
13. Miéville, Godard, and Dolto: The Psychoanalysis of Mary and Joseph - Anne Moore
14. From the New Testament to The Brand New Testament: Moving Beyond “Jesus” Films - Caroline Vander Stichele
Part Two: Other Jesuses, Christs, Messiahs, Sons of Men…
15. “Walk[ing] upon that Gospel Highway”: Experiencing Physical Pilgrimages, Places, and People in The Gospel Road: A Story of Jesus - James M. Cochran
16 Scorsese's Jesus: Christology in The Last Temptation of Christ and Silence - Rhonda Burnette-Bletsch
17. Obviously, It's a Christ-figure Movie…Or is It? - Robert K. Johnston
18. Sacred Subtexts and the Biblical Buttressing of Klaatu as a Christ Figure in The Day the Earth Stood Still (1951) - Anton Karl Kozlovic
19. Guillermo del Toro's El laberinto del fauno (Pan's Labyrinth) and the Subversion of the Cinematic Jesus/Christ figure - Matthew S. Rindge
20. Failed Christ Figures in Québec Films - Adele Reinhartz, University of Ottawa, Canada
21. (Un)Holy Saturday - Tina Pippin
22. The Bible in the Star Trek Universe (2000-19) - Larry J. Kreitzer
23. A Modest Proposal for Christ-Figure Interpretations: Explicated with Two Test Cases - Richard Walsh
24. Messianism and the Horror Film: Transcendence and Salvation in The Mist and Martyrs - Brandon R. Grafius
25. “It's Alive!”: Frankenstein and His Horrible Fellows as Messianic Figures - Robert Paul Seesengood
26. Founding the New Old State: Messianic Cowboys on the Frontiers of Europe and America - Ward Blanton and James Crossley
27. Lars and the Real Girl as a Son of Man Story - George Aichele
Labels: Books, My publications.
At 3:29 pm, October 19, 2020,
oncoffee said…
it looks interesting... Amazon.ca has it listed at $248.50... a little (a lot) much for my budget!
At 7:14 am, October 21, 2020,
Matt Page said…
Yes, I can sympathise with you there. I only get a single copy. I'm hoping that one day I'll feature in a book which I can afford to buy for my Mum & Dad!
Sadly production costs on books like this are high and the audience is limited.
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