• Bible Films Blog

    Looking at film interpretations of the stories in the Bible - past, present and future, as well as preparation for a future work on Straub/Huillet's Moses und Aron and a few bits and pieces on biblical studies.


    Matt Page


    Monday, April 16, 2007

    Golgotha on DVD

    I discovered last week that Julien Duvivier's Golgotha is now available on VHS and DVD from French site PrinceMinister.

    The site is in French so I have no idea whether there are any subtitles, how reliable the company is, whether they post abroad, and if the DVD has any extras, but I imagine the DVD is Region 2 and the video will be SECAM.

    An English dubbed version is available on VHS (NTSC) from US company Hollywood's Attic.



    • At 4:31 pm, April 21, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said…

      You can actually buy a Korean region-free DVD of the film quite inexpensively on ebay. Here's the link:


      I just got mine recently and it's wonderful! It comes only with Korean subtitles, but you can take them off. No English, but the original French holds up all by itself. You hardly need subtitles to enjoy this splendid film!

      On a related note, there is an inexpensive DVD of "Il Messia" available from the same seller:


      This one has the same subtitle issue, but suffers much more because it is largely dialogue and does not follow the Biblical story as closely. I got quite lost.

      So, there you go. More information than you needed!

    • At 10:27 am, April 23, 2007, Blogger Matt Page said…

      That's really helpful Kevin - thanks.



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