• Bible Films Blog

    Looking at film interpretations of the stories in the Bible - past, present and future, as well as preparation for a future work on Straub/Huillet's Moses und Aron and a few bits and pieces on biblical studies.


    Matt Page


    Saturday, May 14, 2022

    My Book is Available for Pre-order

    The official UK/US publication date for my book, "100 Bible Films", is this week – 19th May – but I understand it may be a while before it appears in bricks and mortar stores. 

    However, just this week it's become available for pre-order from the BFI shop online. In some ways this is a relatively small step as various online retailers have been taking pre-orders for a while, but it also feels significant to me that it's in a curated bookshop by a respected name (even if thay are also, sort of, the publishers). Plus for the part of me that is still struggling to believe this is all actually happening, this feels like another firm indicator that everything is going to be OK. 

    Secondly, the publication date for getting a UK/US ebook versions is also this Thursday.  However, you can already view the book's text electronically via Bloomsbury Collections. This is probably something that of more relevance to those who already have access, perhaps via an academic institution, particularly if you are wondering whether it would be a good option for your Jesus films or Cinema and the Bible type courses. It doesn't really capture the essence of the book however and certainly not the fantastic work done by Tom Cabot, Sophie Contento and Louise Dugdale on the visual design, display and range of images.

    Lastly, if you are in Australia / New Zealand unfortunately you are going to have to wait until the 14th July, but you can still pre-order.

    Here are some links:

    BFI Shop
    Bloomsbury (Cheapest) UK | USA | CanAus/NZ)
    Bloomsbury Collections (ebook access)
    Amazon (UKUSA | Can | Aus/NZ | JP | IT)
    Blackwells (UK)
    Walmart (US)
    Waterstones (UK)
    WHSmiths (UK)

    Of course other retailers are available and if you want to buy it from your local shop, you probably can, you will just have to go in to order it first. Despite my desire to sell this in local, bricks and mortar bookshops, it's just not that much of a popular title – it's peaked at 67,000 on the Amazon list. Most physical bookshops don't house that many books, sadly.



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