• Bible Films Blog

    Looking at film interpretations of the stories in the Bible - past, present and future, as well as preparation for a future work on Straub/Huillet's Moses und Aron and a few bits and pieces on biblical studies.


    Matt Page


    Friday, July 31, 2009

    More Information About Him

    Sorry it's been a bit of a lean week this week, and some of you may consider this a poor taste piece to start up with so apologies if so, but for a long time I've been curious about the Jesus porn film Him (no, not curious in that way). I first heard of this film about ten years ago in Pete Aitken's Adult Christianity Jesus Filmography (if that link doesn't work try this one). It's also mentioned in both Campebell and Pitts' "The Bible on Film" and Kinnard and Davis' "Divine Images".

    Then I heard from Peter Chattaway that although it was mentioned in Michael Medved's book "The Golden Turkey Awards" it was suspected of being a hoax. A while later I had a conversation with Michael Pitts and he said that it was one of the films in his book that he hadn't seen. But then, the above poster for the film resurfaced and there was some evidence that the hoax in Medved's book was in fact The Dog of Norway.

    Recently I've come across two further pieces in the puzzle. The first was a comment from the other author of "The Bible on Film", Richard Campbell who confirmed that "HIM is a real movie; the hoax film in Medved's book was DOG OF NORWAY ...the photo from the movie is really just a pic of Medved's own dog!" And then today I happened to encounter a blog post from The Screengrab which includes a few snippets from a review of Him in the April 29th 1974 issue of "Screw". Anyone interested in the details of the movie read on, anyone likely to be offended by this, please don't. Oh and that article goes on to talk about the fictional Gay Jesus movie that I blogged about in March, and the snopes.com article which also links the two films.


    • At 7:08 pm, July 31, 2009, Blogger Mark Goodacre said…

      Thanks for returning to this bizarre story, Matt, and for uncovering more! For the sake of completeness, one or two further pointers in my blog post on this at http://ntweblog.blogspot.com/2005/05/gay-jesus-film-hoax.html .

      BTW, recently listed your Jesus films podcasts over on the new NT Gateway podcasts page.

    • At 12:10 pm, August 03, 2009, Blogger Matt Page said…

      Thanks for that Mark.



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