• Bible Films Blog

    Looking at film interpretations of the stories in the Bible - past, present and future, as well as preparation for a future work on Straub/Huillet's Moses und Aron and a few bits and pieces on biblical studies.


    Matt Page


    Tuesday, July 21, 2009

    Dayasagar Online

    More than any other film, people ask me how they can get to see Dayasagar (also known as Daya Sagar, Oceans of Mercy, Karunamoorthy, Karunamayudu ). For a while it was available to buy on DVD, but I'm told that this is no longer the case. So I was pleased to hear that the film is now available to view online at wlivetv. Thanks to whoever it was that gave me the tip off.



    • At 8:53 am, July 22, 2009, Blogger Peter T Chattaway said…

      Groovy. Now if only it had subtitles. :)

    • At 4:09 pm, July 22, 2009, Blogger Matt Page said…

      I know, but you can generally work out what's going on. The opening scenes are the hardest! My scene guide may help although that was based on a subtitle-less version as well.


    • At 4:37 am, July 26, 2009, Blogger Kevin C. Neece said…

      Actually, Matt, the film is quite available. You just have to know where to look. You can find DVD's Here: http://store.nehaflix.com/dayasagarkdvd.html (on sale for $7!)

      VCDs Here: http://www.tamilchristianshop.com/productdetailview.asp?id=1049

      and here: http://lightoflife-india.com/mm.html (Search the list. It's there in two languages.)

      and, of course, by becoming a Dayspring International missionary here: http://www.dayasagarvideo.org/howtoget.html

      I'm sure it's out there on some other Indian websites as well. You have to also search using its alternate titles, "Karunamoorthy" and "Karuna Mayudu". Less common are "Oceans of Mercy" and "Man of Mercy."

      Still no English subtitles to be found, though if there were any in existence, the Dayspring people would be the ones to ask. Since it is a very focused ministry tool developed for evangelism in India, it seems quite unlikely that such a thing would exist, though DVDs do exist in at least 14 non-English languages.

      These are produced, however, almost exclusively for ministry purposes, which is why it's difficult to find them for sale.

    • At 4:53 am, July 26, 2009, Blogger Kevin C. Neece said…

      Oh, here are a couple more I forgot to mention:



    • At 7:36 am, July 26, 2009, Blogger Matt Page said…

      Thanks Kevin. It's been a while since I looked for it, so I'm a bit out the loop. I'm surprised Dayspring don't release it. Could be a useful tool for those of asian descent at home as well as abroad. Not to mention a ready market of Jesus film fans who could subsidise the rest of their ministry. Ah well.



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