• Bible Films Blog

    Looking at film interpretations of the stories in the Bible - past, present and future, as well as preparation for a future work on Straub/Huillet's Moses und Aron and a few bits and pieces on biblical studies.


    Matt Page


    Wednesday, February 06, 2008

    Gospel According to John-a-thon

    Bruce Marchiano and his team are still attempting to get sufficient funding to get The Gospel According to John off the ground, so today their holding a John-a-thon.

    The idea is to have a day of publicising the film to friends and family via email with a view to raising funds for it. For various reasons I haven't /won't be giving to this film (plus I'm a little concerned about the potential for it to turn into a spam-thon), but I would like to see the film get made. So I thought I'd post about it here instead in case it would be of interest to any of those who visit this site. If that's you then I'm sure the folks at the official website would be only too happy to help.

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    • At 10:50 pm, February 19, 2008, Blogger Kevin C. Neece said…

      Having met Bruce last year and discussed the planned film at some length with him, I'll tell you that there is a definite effort to do something different and creative with the film. I'm excited about Bruce's passion for the project and hope it will be a success.

      He apparently has some serious clout in his corner as well, having recently struck an accord in Nashville with an as-yet unnamed group of what he refers to as "skilled, accomplished, Christian business leaders who are experienced in bringing these types of visions to pass."

      He reports that "A timeline has been set based on their expectations...and a release date for JOHN of 2 years from now has been firmly established. That would make it just about Easter 2010."

      I will be very interested to see how this project turns out. I think this is the first case of a Jesus actor leading the charge to create a new Jesus film.

    • At 2:02 am, February 20, 2008, Blogger Matt Page said…

      Thanks for that Kevin. Your point about Marchiano's desire "to do something different and creative" sounds really interesting.

      Keep me posted if you here more.


    • At 2:10 am, February 20, 2008, Blogger Kevin C. Neece said…

      I shall. I know the script has been through many drafts. Bruce is writing it and has reworked it several times. You can go to http://www.youtube.com/marchmin and see some videos of pre-production meetings. Episode II is most interesting because it features some early concept art that's intriguing.

      Of course, it's nothing close to final but it's very interesting.


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