• Bible Films Blog

    Looking at film interpretations of the stories in the Bible - past, present and future, as well as preparation for a future work on Straub/Huillet's Moses und Aron and a few bits and pieces on biblical studies.


    Matt Page


    Thursday, September 27, 2007

    Podcast: Jesus (1999)

    The latest entry in my Jesus film podcast is up, and this month I'm talking about Jesus (1999). That's eleven entries now which means I've been going for a year now (as I didn't do one in December last year. By the way, does anyone know what the podcast equivalent of a blogiversary?).

    The other ten talks (Jesus of Nazareth, Il Vangelo Secondo Matteo, The Greatest Story Ever Told, Jesus of Montreal, Jesus Christ Superstar, The Miracle Maker, Il Messia, King of Kings, Last Temptation of Christ and Life and Passion of Jesus Christ are all still available to download.

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    • At 9:19 pm, October 10, 2017, Anonymous cheats for gta 5 said…

      This is my favorite film about the Lord Jesus and whenever I want to be spiritually stronger, I look at it. It
      is true that there are additional scenes, the assumption that it was
      this way or the way, but there are not so many of them, how much in
      other films they want to describe the Lord as if he never laughed in
      life. I do not like those pathetic images that do not suit his character at all. The Lord Jesus is good, gentle, understandable, he sees with love, and not who is lost. He teaches people, he is lifelong, brave and rejoices to each of their victories. Even
      from the cross, he looked at them with love, and this is proved by his
      words: "God, forgive them, because they do not know what they are
      doing." When we love people as he loves them, then we will know his real nature. I like how Jeremy Sisto wants to portray him as one of us, who is looking forward to and sharing with us together

    • At 8:19 am, November 06, 2017, Blogger Matt Page said…

      Thanks for that. Glad this one is a favourite and hope you found it useful.



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