• Bible Films Blog

    Looking at film interpretations of the stories in the Bible - past, present and future, as well as preparation for a future work on Straub/Huillet's Moses und Aron and a few bits and pieces on biblical studies.


    Matt Page


    Friday, August 04, 2006

    Coming Attractions Round Up

    There's various bits and pieces going on with some of the bible films that are currently in production (to use that term loosely), none of which justify a whole post, but are worth picking up on.

    The Nativity Story
    Not much new for The Nativity Story, but there has been this article from Preview Family Movie Review where a couple of high profile Christians are already endorsing this film for biblical accuracy, and artistic merit before it's even been finished. Perhaps they have seen extensive shots from the film and read some version of the script, but I don't see how these people can say these things with any integrity when the movie is such a long way from completion. Surely they know disclaimers such as "from what I have seen" mean very little when they preface such extravagant praise (and when they can of course be cut out a a later date)?

    Color of the Cross
    Color of the Cross
    has had its website updated (and lost the quote from Bible Films Blog!), and is giving a release date of 27th October. So the Q&A that I discussed a while back is gone, but there are cast and crew biographies, and several more stills from the film. There also appears to be something by actor/director Jean Claude La Marre, but I can't get it to play.

    Gospel According to John
    Things are moving apace with The Gospel According to John. The board has made a donor declaration (if they don't get enough they'll contact you and ask you where you want to give it to instead). There's also two MP3 interviews with Bruce Marchiano about the project.

    One Night With the King
    The official website is now saying it's going to reach cinemas on the 13th October 2006. That's later than the last date that was given of September '06, and is 2 years after the date they had originally planned for (October 2004), but it is specific enough to make me hope that it might really happen this time.

    The Ten
    The Ten
    is shaping up for a 2007 release. There's not much on the City Lights website, but the IMDB now has an extensive cast list. David Wain will direct.

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    • At 2:51 pm, August 04, 2006, Blogger Unknown said…

      After the unexpected success of "The Passion of the Christ" (which I didn't like), I think people were expecting a great resurgence of biblical and biblical-themed epics. That, unfortunately, didn't happen -- although, as we can see, there's quite a bit of them in the works. And I must say I'm quite intrigued with that Nativity movie. Is the girl in the picture the Virgin Mary? She looks very much like Olivia Hussey!!! What do you think?

    • At 3:09 pm, August 14, 2006, Blogger Matt Page said…

      Particularly from that angle I think, FWIW Mary is played by Keisha Castle Hughes, the star of Whale Rider, and she is over 10 years younger than Hussey was when she filmed Jesus of Nazareth.



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