• Bible Films Blog

    Looking at film interpretations of the stories in the Bible - past, present and future, as well as preparation for a future work on Straub/Huillet's Moses und Aron and a few bits and pieces on biblical studies.


    Matt Page


    Thursday, January 26, 2006

    A New Film on the Nativity in the Works?

    Jeffrey Overstreet just alerted me to this script sale at DoneDeal

    "Nativity" centers on the two-year period of Mary and Joseph's life, culminating in their leaving Nazareth and journeying 100 miles to Bethlehem for the birth of Jesus. Key characters and events such as King Herod, John the Baptist's parents (Zachariah and Elizabeth), the shepherds who were witness to Jesus' birth; and the arrival of the three kings from the Orient will be fleshed out.
    Writer: Mike Rich
    Agent: Charles Ferraro of UTA
    Buyer: New Line Cinema
    Price: n/a
    Genre: Drama
    Logged: 1/25/06
    More: Spec. Pre-emptive purchase. No producers are attached as yet.

    Looks like it could be interesting, although I've become a little suspicious of new bible films being made ever since the success of the Passion. On the one hand it's good to see more being made, but on the other I can't help wondering if this is studios trying to cash in on the Passion bandwagon.

    I've actually never seen a feature length film on the nativity story, unless you count Jean-Luc Godard's modern re-contextualising Je vous salue, Marie (Hail Mary). I have seen two shorter films that solely focus on the nativity, a 5 minute short produced by the Church of the Latter Day Saints, and a 45 minute film made by the same company that did Dogtanian, both of which were simply called "The Nativity". The latter is one of a myriad of cartoon versions of the story, most of which focus on minor characters. The former was sans dialogue, but did contain some effective sound effects like flies buzzing as Mary and Joseph enter the stable.

    But other fuller length films have been made of the story. Most notably two films at the end of the seventies went head to head. Madeline Stowe starred opposite John Shea in the , yet again, imaginatively titled The Nativity in 1978. This film also starred a pre-Indiana Jones/Lord of the Rings John Rhys Davies, and possibly the oldest character ever to play Salome, Kate O'Mara - a native of my adopted county of Leicestershire - who was pushing 40 at the time.

    A year later there was Mary and Joseph: A Story of Faith, starring no-one particularly interesting (unless you count Marilla from Anne of Green Gables), and lasting for over two and a half hours. There was also a film called Mary and Joseph made in 1972, and another film called The Nativity made in 1952. There are a few pictured from that film at buyoutfootage.com

    I haven't seen any of these last four, and to be honest I find to difficult to work up any enthusiam about them. Most of the longer Jesus epics manage to wring as much screen time out of those few chapters as possible, and few of the nativity films have much in the way of innovation. That is probably why I appreciate what Godard was trying to do, although it's still a strange and over-long film.

    The most affecting portrayal of the birth of Jesus I have seen was actually from a BBC documentary Mary, which dared to show Mary as a young girl (as she apparently would have been), and a more realistic depiction of the birth - strikingly different from both the tranquil stable of the Christmas cards and the TV depictions of modern day births.

    Sadly though it appears that the new film will go down the traditional route. The mention of three kings (opposed to Matthew's unspecified number of "Magi") in the blurb above, and the mention of a journey from Nazareth to Bethlehem (as in Luke) opposed to the whole story seemingly taking place in Bethlehem (as in Matthew). This reinforces my worry that this film is seeking to cash in on the devout. Nothing in the blurb above suggests that the script takes a more historical, or challenging approach to the story - just what is needed in my opinion.


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    • At 9:42 pm, November 28, 2016, Blogger Seaearth pony said…

      1)Judean men typical married from ages 26-30 and their wives were 10 years younger then they are,so that means that Mary was more likey to be in her 15(the typical age to get married) or older and less likely to be 14 and under.¹
      2) 12 was conisder a little girl even during that time and place.²It was only in Babylon did jewish girls married very young and were consider marriageable at that age,and Mary was NOT a Babylonian jew,so she was older then 14.
      3) The age of brides does not equal the age of mothers
      4) Girls who have their 1st period don't ovulate until 2-3 years later.² And when they do ovulate it's infrequent.
      5)Even thousands of years ago people should know that 12-13 year old girls are still physically developing and growing.




      Please read everyday life in biblical times chapter 8

      Women did start their period until 14-16 years of age↓

      Palestian jewish women typical married in their mid-late teen years↓



      Girls during that time gave birth during their mid-late teen years↓



    • At 10:04 pm, November 28, 2016, Anonymous Anonymous said…

      Sorry forgot one more.



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