• Bible Films Blog

    Looking at film interpretations of the stories in the Bible - past, present and future, as well as preparation for a future work on Straub/Huillet's Moses und Aron and a few bits and pieces on biblical studies.


    Matt Page


    Saturday, September 03, 2005

    Living Christ/Bible Films

    I've been trying to find some information on "Cathedral Films" in general and the Living Christ/Living Bible series in particular.

    IMDB lists the production date for this series as 1951. It also seems that there were two series made about the same time with similar names.

    1 - The Living Christ series which was made about 1951, and starring Robert Wilson, 12x30 minute episodes discussed below.

    2 - The Living Bible Series was made about 1952 (so unrelated to the paraphrase of the bible), and seems to star Nelson Leigh, 24 or 26 episodes. Some of these are available on DVD.

    I've found this interview which relates to the casting of "Bob" Wilson in I Beheld His Glory. This may indicate that this film was shot before the series and that Day of Triumph was shot after it. There are plenty of details on this page which includes a few pictures from a number of other films including From the Manger to the Cross


    N.B. - This post was back-dated to when much of it was first noted down in a discussion at the Arts and Faith discussion forum

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    • At 1:21 pm, January 18, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said…

      Greetings to You - As I was surfing around the internet just looking for Bible information, I came across your Bible Blog. I was truly amazed at the volume of sites there are about Bible Genealogy. You have a very well put together Blog. I have a website http://www.BibleFamilyTree.com that also has information about Bible Genealogy...
      and you might want to check it out as well.

      With Very Best Regards,

      Bible Genealogy

    • At 11:01 am, December 25, 2010, Anonymous Bible Island said…

      Catelic themed ones.. Don't know too many myself. Hey how can I apply to be on your blog roll?

    • At 11:33 am, January 10, 2011, Anonymous Why does God let people suffer? said…

      I don't know any mate

    • At 3:27 pm, April 30, 2016, Anonymous Anonymous said…

      There exists a present-day literature for these films, see Terry Lindvall and Andrew Quicke »Celluloid Sermons: The Emergence of the Christian Film Industry, 1930—1986« (New York: New York University Press, 2011) pp. 36—38.


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