• Bible Films Blog

    Looking at film interpretations of the stories in the Bible - past, present and future, as well as preparation for a future work on Straub/Huillet's Moses und Aron and a few bits and pieces on biblical studies.


    Matt Page


    Tuesday, December 28, 2010

    Update on Kingdom Come

    Just a quick update on the planned New Zealand Jesus film Kingdom Come. According to The Dominion Post. The production owes $5.8 million (I assume that's NZD, each of which is worth about half a UK pound) to its 275 creditors, but has come up with an anonymous donor who has put up $1 million to pay off some of them and delay the rest for a year so that they can find the rest. The hope is that this donor, or others, might not only help the production clear its debts, but also provide enough money to see it through to completion. It seems like quite a big ask, but at least story isn't dead yet.


    Tuesday, November 17, 2009

    Kingdom Come Gets a Website

    Just when news about New Zealand Jesus film Kingdom Come seemed to have dried up, Paul McPherson has very kindly emailed me to let me know that the film now has a website (with blog) keeping us updated with the film's progress. No time to read it right now, but it's nice to be able to keep in touch with what's going on.


    Wednesday, February 25, 2009

    Kingdom Coming or Going?

    Not quite sure what to make of the various bits of news coming out of New Zealand about Kingdom Come. On Saturday the Timaru Herald noted that accommodation booked for the film had, once again, been cancelled, and took that as evidence that the "pin may have been pulled on the movie". However, yesterday the Dominion Post quoted Ernie Malik, a spokesman for the film, as clarifying that despite some financial difficulties the film is still being made.

    I've also had this confirmed (or at least repeated) by some of the comments on my original post about this film, which also mention that Catholic Mexican actor Eduardo Verástegui (pictured above) is lined up to play Peter. That information has also been posted at Wikipedia citing his official website, but I certainly can't see anything there to support such a claim.

    The Dominion Post article says that filming is now due to start in April, so hopefully we will have some more concrete information by then.


    Tuesday, January 27, 2009

    Kingdom Still Coming

    JOHN BISSET/Timaru Herald
    I mentioned a fortnight ago how plans to shoot the film Kingdom Come in New Zealand had been put on hold. Thankfully, stuff.co.nz is now reporting that filming is finally due to start "late next month". The article also claims that "a deal (has) been negotiated with one of the six major studios for worldwide distribution of the film."

    Thanks to Doug of Church Video Reviews for the tip off.


    Monday, January 12, 2009

    Kindom Come Going?

    The major source for information on New Zealand Jesus film Kindom Come is claiming that the fate of the film is "in the balance". Stuff.co.nz spoke to co-producer Tim Coddington and casting director Liz Mullane about the director Dean Wright's trip to LA "for talks with the writers and investors". They continue...
    Sets for Kingdom Come have already been built in several locations including Lake Benmore in the central South Island and Wellington, but crews have had their Christmas break extended until January 19 as the film executives try to keep the production on track.

    It is understood investors are nervous because US networks have been reluctant to buy the film from Wellington-based production company South Vineyard.


    Tim Coddington, an Auckland-based producer who has been working on the film, said the project might still go ahead. "We're just on an extended hiatus while they have some script rewrites done and sort through their financing things."

    Casting director Liz Mullane said she was "fully optimistic" that everything would go ahead, but was unable to comment further.
    Whilst I remember, stuff.co.nz also posted some production information on the film over Christmas. The picture above is of one of the sets for Capernaum.

    Edit:(Belated thanks to Alfie for the tip off)


    Monday, December 01, 2008

    Kingdom Come
    A New Jesus Film Being Made in New Zealand

    Photo by kiwilad, used under a Creative Commons Licence

    Dean Wright, the Kiwi in charge of visual effects for the last two Lord of the Rings films and the first two Narnia films, is to direct a film about the life of Jesus. Kingdom Come is scheduled for filming at various locations across New Zealand in the spring (2009). The film, which at least one source says will be an "epic" with a "big budget", is being produced by South Vineyard, whose sparse website suggests that they are first timers. Having made their money in software company GrapeCity, South Vineyard's three, Japanese-based directors, will also act as executive producers.

    There's quite a bit of news on this one down under, particularly amongst the local media. Outlets have been reporting how Lake Benmore (pictured above) will stand in for the Sea of Galilee, one of the majors sets will be in Wellington suburb Maupuia and how a herd of pigs from Waitomo will presumably being driven off a cliff somewhere near Wellington. There's also some video news footage on the casting of extras, although they seem try to wring out more humour from the story than I think is actually there.

    The aim is for the film to be released in 2010, although production has been delayed by a couple of weeks. There's no news yet on who is to play Jesus.

    Incidentally, I think this is the first Jesus film to be made in Oceania even though the money is coming from American and Japanese business men. I guess this is the reverse of the situation with The Passion of the Christ where an Australian put up the money to make a film in the US (though it was filmed in Italy).

    Thanks to Paul McPherson for the tip off on this one.

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