Peter Chattaway has linked to this rather odd story from
Variety. Drew Heriot and William Keenan are to make a film based on "
The Aquarian Gospel of Jesus Christ". The "gospel" was written down in 1908 by Levi H. Dowling and purports to tell the story of Jesus's "missing years" between the ages of 13 and 30.
Keenan's script also utilises Russian anthropologist
Nicolas Notovich's book "The Unknown Life of Jesus Christ" (1898). Both books claim that Jesus travelled through the east during his missing years, and that he was conversant with various Eastern Religions. Both books also claim to be based on more ancient traditions, although it's highly contested as to whether these other sources existed.
The film will follow "Jesus' journeys from Israel through India, Tibet, Persia, Greece and Egypt as he encounters people of all creeds, classes and faiths." The plan is to use actors from a wide range of countries. I can't say I'm hugely enthusiastic about this, as I suppose it's not really even a Bible film as such. Nevertheless it would still be interesting to see how Jesus is portrayed.
Labels: Aquarian Gospel, Bible Films in Production