• Bible Films Blog

    Looking at film interpretations of the stories in the Bible - past, present and future, as well as preparation for a future work on Straub/Huillet's Moses und Aron and a few bits and pieces on biblical studies.


    Matt Page


    Sunday, March 15, 2020

    My Pasolini Book Review Published in "Studies in European Cinema"

    My review of Luca Peretti and Karen T. Raizen's edited volume "Pier Paolo Pasolini Framed and Unframed: A Thinker for the Twenty-First Century" has been published in the journal "Studies in European Cinema".


    If you don't already have access to "Studies in European Cinema" (e.g. through your institution), the first 50 people to follow this URL should get free access to it.


    I'm a little new to all this though, so if that doesn't work, please just email me and I'll see if I can sort out what's wrong.

    I'm really proud of this piece, as it's the first peer reviewed article I've written to be published in film-related book/journal (as opposed to something in theology / biblical studies). It also means that I've published on both Pasolini and Rossellini now.

    To summarise the book far more briefly, it's a step on from a typical book about Pasolini, not only because it's less reverential, but also because it gives significantly more consideration to his lesser known films / poems / novels. There are some really interesting essays in there and it nicely complements the more famous previous works on Pasolini. At some point in the future I might publish some of the material I didn't put in the review itself, but we'll just have to see what I have time for as I currently have another exciting project on the go. Details of that will hopefully follow soon.

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