• Bible Films Blog

    Looking at film interpretations of the stories in the Bible - past, present and future, as well as preparation for a future work on Straub/Huillet's Moses und Aron and a few bits and pieces on biblical studies.


    Matt Page


    Monday, March 14, 2011

    Bible Films Facebook Page

    It's been very encouraging that people are "liking" my Bible Films Facebook Page. As I mentioned when I gave this site a facelift last week, I've been having a bit of a think about how to improve how people benefit from what I do. I see the facebook page as facilitating this in the following ways:
    1. A place for everyone to share news items related to Bible Films. I'm indebted to the many kind people who send me links to new projects, or information about films that have just come on to DVD or are now available online. The problem is that when I get busy it takes me ages to post them up - for some bizarre reason I don't feel like I can just post links on my blog, whereas in Facebook this will work well. Best of all however, it will allow those who email me to tell me about something, just to post it direct on the page's wall. So next time, you discover something, please go to the site and post it.

    2. A place to connect. One of the things I love about running my blog is making contact with others who are interested in the subject. But I'm aware that it's harder for those folk to connect with each other. Hopefully the people that "like" the page will also find it easier to connect with each other.
    My intention is, of course, to keep this site running. Facebook has its advantages, but you get less flexibility and it doesn't suit longer pieces. The idea is, then, to continue to post reviews, scene guides, thoughts on particular films etc. here - hopefully giving this site a more in depth edge - and also running occasional news updates collating some of the things getting posted over at Facebook.

    The hope is that those who already use facebook will find this is a simple and organic way to join in and contribute, without meaning that they have another site to keep tags on (as updates should appear in your news feed) without leaving those who "don't do Facebook" out in the process. It may well be that things don't quite work out as I envisaged and if so I'll look to adjust things as and when.

    I'm open to hear any feedback or advice that people have, so feel free to leave any comments below.


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