• Bible Films Blog

    Looking at film interpretations of the stories in the Bible - past, present and future, as well as preparation for a future work on Straub/Huillet's Moses und Aron and a few bits and pieces on biblical studies.


    Matt Page


    Monday, November 22, 2010

    Warner Bros. to Make Moses

    Over at Arts and Faith, Peter Chattaway has linked to news from NYmag.com about two new Moses films in production by major studios. I reported on Fox's plans for a 300-style Moses film last year, and the NYmag piece doesn't really add much to what was known then.

    However, the Warner Bros. project, is something that neither Peter nor I had heard of before, and seems to have a reasonably strong team behind it. Dan Lin (The Departed) and Matti Leshem are going to be producing the movie and British screenwriter Stuart Hazeldine and US writer Michael Green (Heroes) are said to be supplying the script any minute now.

    There are a few more articles on this story available via this IMDb page, but I doubt any of them beat NYmag's headline. First-class pun-ditry.

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    • At 7:23 am, November 25, 2010, Blogger Fullmoonentertainmentllc said…

      We're Full Moon Entertainment a faith based film company who's dedicated to delivering spiritually encouraging films, television shows, music and performing arts to the world.

      We too are currently seeking the funds and distribution necessary to conduct God's will in our film ministry. The title are Peace Be Still, Job (in 3D) and A Separate Life, all of which are faith based with the moral teaching of the Lord. Each film is set in modern times with the associated twist that come with current situations and settings.

      What we are asking of you is that you partner with God in aiding us to do what he's called us to do by giving us a place on your website so that we my expose or purpose and mission to all those with a heart to see it be done as the Lord so said it.

      Please consider this and we are willing to do whatever it takes in return to barter with you.

      Full Moon Entertainment, LLC



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