• Bible Films Blog

    Looking at film interpretations of the stories in the Bible - past, present and future, as well as preparation for a future work on Straub/Huillet's Moses und Aron and a few bits and pieces on biblical studies.


    Matt Page


    Monday, September 07, 2009

    My Greenbelt Talk Available Online

    I've had a number of people ask about getting hold of my Greenbelt talk. The majority of Greenbelt seminars are recorded, but I was on at one of the venues where that wasn't possible. So the bad news is that the quality isn't great here, as I had to record this on my laptop, but the good news is that it's free! (Greenbelt seminar downloads usually cost £2). Feel free to post any comments below or email me.

    Anyway, you can download my talk - Biblical Horror Stories for Children - from my (currently hibernating) Jesus Films podcast site.

    [To save a copy click on the download link under the "Audio MP3" icon. That will take you through to another page. Right click on the "download" button and chose "Save Target As" (Internet Explorer) or "Save Link As" (Firefox) or similar for other browsers.]

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    • At 6:01 pm, September 07, 2009, Blogger Diane said…

      Well I'm glad we picked your talk not Rob Bell's. For my daughter and I you really did help clarify some issues she was working through. I did try to share some stuff at the end of your talk, but not sure how clear I was with it.
      Thank you for what you said. Will now add your blog to the blogs I follow.
      And like you I think we had just got our heads round Greenbelt, it was our first time, when it was time to go. Not sure if I agreed with all that was said, but loved what you had to say!
      And also seeing as you go to the same church as Sally Ann Dyer, who I use to pray with, back in Firestorm days in the West of England, ohhh about 4 years ago you must be ok!! (It has been a long 4 years!)
      And again thank you

    • At 6:31 pm, September 07, 2009, Blogger Peter T Chattaway said…

      Matt, I'm still listening to your podcast, but I like your reference to the way movies can make us see these stories in unforgettable ways. It reminded me immediately of The Stoning of Soraya M. -- not a biblical film, but a harrowing depiction of what it's like to stone someone to death. The film is intended as a critique of modern-day Muslim cultures, but I can never see the film without thinking of certain biblical stories, nor can I read those stories now without thinking of that film.

    • At 11:37 am, September 08, 2009, Blogger Matt Page said…

      Hi Diane,

      Thanks for your comments both here and at the time. And you know Sally Ann? Small world eh? Well actually she knows everyone, but anyway it's a nice connection.


      Not seen that film yet, but I think that possible connection did occur to me when I heard about it a while ago. I'll have to look out for it.



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