Thanks to
Bill Millar for sending through details of this year's
Jesus Flickfest. For those not in the know, Jesus Flickfest is an annual film festival that occurs in the run up to Easter in Winnipeg, Canada. As ever there's an eclectic mix from
Last Temptation of Christ to
Inside Bob Dylan’s Jesus Years via the festival's traditional high point - the sing-a-long
Jesus Christ Superstar. Perhaps the highlight of the programme (reproduced in full below) is Roberto Rossellini's
Il Messia, but there are no shortage of good titles, as you can see:
Directors Cut:
*L'Inchiesta [The Final Inquiry]
Son of Man
Il Messia
The Colour of the Cross
Jesus de Montreal
Je vous salue, Marie [Hail Mary]
The Last Temptation of Christ
The Book of Life
Il Vangelo secondo Matteo
& hopefully Ferrara's Mary
Cotton Patch Gospel [Harry Chapin musical based on Clarence Jordon's writings]
Singalong Jesus Christ Superstar
Johnny Cash: The Gospel Road
Inside Bob Dylan’s Jesus Years
Jesus, du weisst [Jesus you know]
Jesus Camp
Mary, Mother of Jesus
Peter and Paul
The Miracle Maker
The Nativity Story
Life of Brian
Johnny got his gun
Un Bambino di nome Gesu [A Child called Jesus]
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