• Bible Films Blog

    Looking at film interpretations of the stories in the Bible - past, present and future, as well as preparation for a future work on Straub/Huillet's Moses und Aron and a few bits and pieces on biblical studies.


    Matt Page


    Monday, January 26, 2009

    Revealed: The Permed Jesus

    Last week I asked if anyone knew where this film Jesus had come from. I was pleased at just how quickly I got a response. The answer is that the footage is taken from the video to Michael W. Smith's 1988 song "Secret Ambition" from the album "i 2 (eye)". It took me a while to find the precise year but the video's hilarious mullets, waistcoats over vests, lead guitar solo and moustachioed Pontius Pilate somewhat give the game away.

    Kudos to CGARTIST for coming up with the correct answer first. He was also kind enough to provide this excerpt from the video box's blurb:
    Special thanks to Tom Newman as Jesus and the Church on the Move, Tulsa OK. Filmed on the set of the Great Passion Play, Eureka Springs, ARKANSAW.
    Those who, like me, had (mercifully) never seen this video can catch it at YouTube.


    • At 10:12 pm, October 12, 2017, Anonymous ocean of game said…

      I am also from the "new age" religion...born and raised, when I finally surrendered and let Him be LORD of my life that He created, it was a very experiential thing, it was very hard for me to put to words, so this world REALLY needs more people like you that can shed light on both sides intellectually!! THANK YOU, and PRAISE HIM!!

    • At 8:20 am, November 06, 2017, Blogger Matt Page said…

      No worries.


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