• Bible Films Blog

    Looking at film interpretations of the stories in the Bible - past, present and future, as well as preparation for a future work on Straub/Huillet's Moses und Aron and a few bits and pieces on biblical studies.


    Matt Page


    Thursday, November 13, 2008

    More on The Bible Buried's Secrets

    It's under a week until PBS's The Bible Buried's Secrets airs on 19th November and there are a number of things to report. Firstly there are a number of clips available online, including a 3 minute preview and two excerpts on YouTube (Did God Have a Wife? and Recreating the Temple).

    The official website also seems to have grown in size, with ten relatively substantial articles looking at the individual issues raised in the film, as well as some soundbites from different clergy, some behind the scenes videos and a teacher's guide.It also appears that more will appear online after the programme has aired. Eventually this link will allow you to watch the whole programme online and a few days after that we'll also be able to view the transcript. There's also meant to be a facebook page for it, although all I could find earlier was a group protesting about the programme and urging congress to stop funding them. They link to an article at the Orlando Sentinel which appears to be down now, but it may be the same article that Jim West linked to earlier. There, the Sentinel's TV critic Hal Boedeker calls it "low-key, detailed and scholarly".

    And speaking of scholars, Nova have set up an "ask the experts" feature where people can email in questions and a selection will be answered by a panel consisting of Carol Meyers (Duke), William Dever (University of Arizona) and Stonehill College's Michael Coogan.
    I'm looking forward to seeing this, though I'm not sure what I'll make of it. Much of it I am already familiar with, and both Boedeker's comments and the effort that has gone into the website suggest that this will be a serious effort to engage with the various issues surrounding the historicity of the Old Testament.



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