• Bible Films Blog

    Looking at film interpretations of the stories in the Bible - past, present and future, as well as preparation for a future work on Straub/Huillet's Moses und Aron and a few bits and pieces on biblical studies.


    Matt Page


    Tuesday, April 01, 2008

    Actor to Have Facelift to Play David

    This is probably the bizarrest story I've heard for a while. The makers of a new film about David have announced that the actor who will play the leading role will undergo plastic surgery in order to play him as both an old man and a young one. It's actually the first I've heard about Marvin Jones' Shepherd to King, and the Variety story that broke the news has annoyingly little information. Here's a quick excerpt:
    Marvin Jones has released a controversial detail about his new pic Shepherd to King. Telling the biblical story of David the pic's star, who is not being named at this stage, will film the middle and latter parts of David's life first before going under the knife in order to film the early episodes in the great king's story. Jones has been keen to downplay the controversy.

    "For ages I've been trying to work out a way to film David in his whole life. The other films tend to use different actors or very unconvincing make-up. Then the actor concerned happened to mention that they were planning on having surgery and I wondered if that might be a novel solution. It's not like he's doing it specially..."
    Even so, it sounds pretty odd, and I'm not really sure it will work. Whilst David wasn't what we'd call a boy, he was still younger than I can imagine than plastic surgery can make you look. Mind you maybe he's just got someone really really good. I'll keep an eye on this one.


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