• Bible Films Blog

    Looking at film interpretations of the stories in the Bible - past, present and future, as well as preparation for a future work on Straub/Huillet's Moses und Aron and a few bits and pieces on biblical studies.


    Matt Page


    Saturday, November 17, 2007

    The Future of NT Gateway:Jesus in Film

    Mark Goodacre has been discussing for some time the future of New Testament Gateway, and he's just posted a lengthy part 2.

    In it he happens to mention his Celluloid Jesus pages which I have been an admirer of for a long, long time. Thankfully it appears that these pages are not to be retired. Here's what Mark actually says about it all:
    One other major part of the site needs a major overhaul, the Jesus in Film pages. This is something of a speciality niche, but it is a very popular section of the site, so it needs a major update rather than retirement. I will be asking for help on this section, and may even consider loosing it off from the main site and giving it its own lease of life.
    I'm glad he's taken this decision - as he points out these pages are very popular. Even without regular updates they still appear quite a way above this site if you search for "Jesus films" on Google. It'll be great when they have been updated. I'll keep readers posted as, and when, there's more news.

    Speaking of NT Gateway, Mark also has an interesting series of posts on the major agreements between Matthew and Luke against Mark.


    • At 5:41 pm, November 21, 2007, Blogger Mark Goodacre said…

      Thanks, Matt. Would you like to help out with the pages as I overhaul them? I'd be very grateful for the help.

      Thanks for blogging about the BBC/HBO Passion. I've now seen rough cuts of the first two episodes and I am really thrilled with it.

      Cheers, Mark


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