• Bible Films Blog

    Looking at film interpretations of the stories in the Bible - past, present and future, as well as preparation for a future work on Straub/Huillet's Moses und Aron and a few bits and pieces on biblical studies.


    Matt Page


    Monday, August 20, 2007

    Someone is Stealing my Content

    Not sure if this is the best way to handle this, but I've just been told that someone is stealing my content. And not in a too-lazy-to-research-my-work-properly kind of way but in a I'll start a new blog impersonating your blog title and cut and paste your articles into it (whilst using Ads and links to bring in some revenue).

    One of the reasons I'm posting this here is to see how the thief handles it. I suspect it might just be a robot of some form. If this post is copied almost wholesale then I'll know it is. If it does appear or appears in a modified form then I'll know there might be someone involved in the process. (If there is and you are reading this, then please desist).

    In case you've just stumbled across this and aren't sure what's going on, then let me fill you in. Bible Films Blog was set up by me in Jan 2006 (although I backdated a couple of posts). The original and genuine site lives at http://biblefilms.blogspot.com/. The fake site (which I won't make more Google friendly by linking to) has inserted a hyphen into this title. The original and genuine site has a shades of brown colour scheme (see picture), and has a lengthy sidebar of useful linked, topped by my profile picture (sometimes in Internet Explorer this slips down the page but it's always there). If this isn't what you're seeing then you're viewing the rip off site and the original is here.

    Has anyone else had this happen to them? It seems to be common enough that Blogger have an option for raising it on their service violation pages. It looks like this user is doing it to a number of other bloggers as well.


    • At 10:17 pm, August 20, 2007, Blogger jonnyflash said…

      Oh, I was worried for a second that you were calling me out. Over at the SuperCandid blog I've linked to a couple of stories you've talked about, but I always source my stuff. I hope this guy cuts it out. Do you think that contacting google/blogger would do any good?

      -jon from www.supercandid.net

    • At 9:43 am, August 21, 2007, Blogger Matt Page said…

      Hi Jon,

      Thanks for your comment.

      Linking to stories as you have done is no problem at all - in fact it's the very stuff of blogging (sorta). In fact I welcome it - keep it up!

      I'm currently trying to contact Blogger, but I have not had much joy so far.

      Thanks for the link to your blog BTW - I wasn't aware of it, but will have to keep an eye on it from now on!


    • At 1:34 am, August 22, 2007, Blogger Matt Page said…

      It appears that the stealing site has copied this article but translated it into French. And it's done it's trademark thing of making the date on the post the day before I actually wrote it.



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