
Monday, October 09, 2006

Living Bible on DVD

I was in discount bookshop The Works over the weekend, and noticed that they are selling a three DVD set called the Living Bible, purporting to be a multi-region version of a series of made for TV films about Jesus from 1952. I'm trying to find out more information about them at the moment. I think this may be the series I discussed way back when I first started blogging starring Nelson Leigh, but I can't be sure and there isn't much information provided on the packaging. I'm hoping that Great Music Co. who are releasing this will be able to help me with clearing this one up so watch this space.


  1. As far as I can tell, what you found is one of very many repackaged editions of "The Living Christ" series. Most reissues these days have the title "The Living Bible" on the front, but when you play the DVD, the original title card says "The Living Christ." Shop around for this title before buying. You can get it very inexpensively.

  2. Thanks for your post. In this case though it does appear to be the Jesus part of the Living Bible Series. I have (in another and cheap format) the Living Christ Series.



  3. I have seen the information of Kevin to
    my self. I bought a DVD titled Jesus the
    healer and when I play it - it's the
    Living Christ series.

  4. I watched The Upper room of Living Bible
    series and I found a great scene - Jesus
    is washing disciples's feet.This scene
    is very rare.I read about it in Jesus
    at the movies. It is said that this
    scene is only in Gibson's Passion, From
    the manger to the cross and Gospel of
    John.Now it's also here.


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