
Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Biblical Studies Carnival XIX

Over at Biblische Ausbildung, Stephen L. Cook has posted the nineteenth Biblical Studies Carnival.

There were two things I particularly appreciated about Dr. Cook's carnival. One - as far as I'm aware, he is the first carnival host to chose a graphic for his carnival post (forgive me if I'm wrong). It probably doesn't make a difference to most Biblical Studies bloggers, but to those of us who try and illustrate every post with at least one picture, it's nice to have an image to accompany it. I've previously been using an image of my own choosing, but I rather like Dr. Cook's.

Secondly, I very much enjoyed Alli Diller's look at "The Wife of Noble Character" from Proverbs 31. It's not an article I would ever have come across ordinarily, so I'm grateful to Dr. Cook for helping me discover it. Looking at that passage in the way that Diller does has been bouncing around in the back of my mind ever since I read it at the funeral of my grandmother in May last year. What really strikes me is that this woman is a model for today - for both women and men.

Anyway, next month's Biblical Studies Carnival XX will be hosted by Claude Mariottini in the first week of August 2007. There are more details about the Biblical Studies Carnivals at the official homepage.

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