
Thursday, January 04, 2007

Biblical Studies Carnival XIII

I'm not usually a great one for New Year's resolutions. Generally I reckon it's better to make a change as soon as you see the need for one, rather than wait until an arbitrary point in the year and make changes then. That said, in recent years my stance has softened slightly. In fact last year my resolution was to start this blog, and thankfully it was one I kept. This year, I've toyed with a few ideas, but the one I'd been mulling over for a while was to mention the Biblical Studies Carnivals on my blog.

I've been a fan of the carnivals since they first (re-)appeared on Tyler Williams' Codex Blog back in February, but I avoided posting about them figuring that, firstly, I didn't have that many regular readers, and secondly, that most of them either read it somewhere else anyway (like Codex or NT Gateway), or they weren't that interested.

I still reckon those assumptions are not that far off, but my readership has increased a bit recently. More importantly, I realised it was probably a bit rude to be part of the biblioblogging "community", but not really participate in their most significant and regular endeavour. So from here on in I'll be blogging the Biblical Studies Carnivals, and making some nominations too.

That was all decided in the run up to Christmas, so I was particularly pleased to see that this blog has received its first mention in the carnivals in the latest edition. (Nice timing!) Tyler's done a great job of compiling a myriad of entries, so here is January 2007's Biblical Studies Carnival

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