
Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Arnold Schoenberg Play on Radio 4

This is slightly off the beaten track for this blog, but recently I've been researching information about Arnold Schönberg, the Austrian composer who wrote the (unfinished) opera Moses und Aron. The opera was made into a film by Danièle Huillet and Jean-Marie Straub. I've also just started reading Bluma Goldstein's "Reinscribing Moses. Heine, Kafka, Freud and Schoenberg in a European Wilderness" which obviously features a chapter on the work.

So I was pleased to catch Radio 4's afternoon play on Friday which was a drama about Schoenberg's personal life c.1907-08. I've never been a huge fan of the artistic medium "Radio Play", and this one has hardly converted me, but it's worth listening to if you have some interest in Schönberg. The play can be downloaded from the BBC website.

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