
Monday, September 11, 2006

My New Venture: Jesus Films Podcast

For some time I've been toying with the idea of supplementing written commentary on bible films with some audio files, as much as anything I guess because podcasting is becoming more and more popular, and because some people just don't read. An extra incentive is that as far as I'm aware, no-one else is doing this right now.

So I've set up a new website Jesus Films Podcast, where I'll be tackling one Jesus film per month. The aim is to make them about ten minutes long, and perhaps include the odd soundbite and so on. And of course they'll be free. For anyone interested in "subscribing" there is an RSS Feed.

I plan to start in October, with Jesus of Nazareth (1977), but for now I've put up an introductory mp3, which was really just to give me a chance to practice with the technology. I'm surprised, though, to find that it's already been downloaded 40 times since I posted it on Friday. If anyone has any useful ideas, then please let me know.

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